Who pushed me off the high mountain, to become a companion of bloodthirsty and godless men?
My sin and Your justice, O Lord. My sin stretches from the creation of the world, and it is swifter than Your justice.
I count my sins throughout my entire life, throughout the life of my father and all the way back to the beginning of the world, and I say: Truly, the name of the Lord's justice is mercy.
I bear the wounds of my fathers on myself-wounds that I myself was preparing while I was still in my fathers—and now they have all appeared on my soul, like a spotted hide on a giraffe, like a cloak of vicious scorpions that sting me.
Have mercy on me, O Lord, open the floodgate of the heavenly river of Your grace, and cleanse me of leprous evil, so that without this leprosy I may dare to proclaim Your name before the other lepers without them ridiculing me.
At least raise me up by a head above the rotten stench of this bed of worms, to inhale the incense of heaven and return to life.
At least raise me up as high as a palm tree so I can laugh at the serpents chasing my heels.
O Lord, if there has been even one good deed in the course of my earthly journey, for the sake of that one deed deliver me from the companionship of bloodthirsty and godless men.
O Lord, my hope in despair.
O Lord, my strength in weakness.
O Lord, my light in darkness.

Cine m-a pus in acest pat de viermi?
Cine m-a ingropat in praf, spre a fi vecin serpilor si petrecere viermilor?
Cine m-a aruncat de pe inaltimea muntelui, spre a fi tovaras oamenilor fara de Dumnezeu si insetati de sange?
Pacatul meu si Dreptatea Ta, O Doamne.Pacatul meu se intinde de la facerea lumii si-i mai iute ca dreptatea Ta.
Imi numar pacatele savarsite de-a lungul intregii mele vieti,de-a lungul vietii tatalui meu si pana la inceputul lumii, si spun:Cu adevarat Numele Dreptatii lui Dumnezeu este Mila!
Port ranile stramosilor in mine- rani pe care le pregateam fiind in stramosii mei- si acum, toti sunt in sufletul meu, ca o pata ascunsa pe o girafa, ca o masca a raului scorpion ce ma inteapa.
Fie-ti mila de mine Doamne, deschide riul pururea curgator al milei Tale, si ma curateste de spurcatul rau, asa incat, fara aceasta necuratie, sa indraznesc a chema(marturisi) numele Tau inaintea necuratilor, fara ca ei sa ma batjocoreasca.
Macar inalta capul meu deasupra acestei duhori a putrejiciunii acestui pat de viermi, ca sa respir aroma raiului si sa inviez.
Macar inalta-ma ca pe un palmier, ca sa pot rade de serpii ce alearga dupa calcaiele mele.
O, Doamne , daca ar fi fost macar un singur lucru bun facut de-a lungul calatorie mele pamantesti , de dragul acestui singur lucru izbaveste-ma de tovarasia oamenilor fara de Dumnezeu si insetati de sange.
O, Doamne nadejdea mea in deznadejde
O, Doamne puterea mea in slabiciune
O, Doamne lumina mea in intunerec
(traducere si adaptare Administrator)
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