Ce reprezinta pentru dumneavoastra Pastele:
a)invierea Domnului Iisus Hristos - 41% 8972 voturi
b) oua de Paste - 15% 3352 voturi
c)petrecerea cu familia - 44% 9647 voturi
Today's Poll
21971 votes since Apr 1 2010 What does Easter mean to you?
The resurrection of Jesus Christ 41% 8972 votes
Easter eggs 15% 3352 votes
Spending time with family 44% 9647 votes
vezi http://au.news.yahoo.com/polls/popup/-/poll_id/53166
Pentru 60% din Australieni Pastele inseamna orice altceva decat Invierea Domnului
Duminică seara – Glasul al 5-lea: fii mie cale
Acum 3 zile